This service will save your scrobbles, once a week. We'll keep them on our server, and you'll be able to download your scrobbles from us, in a format that you can import elsewhere.
Right now, I'm not emailing anyone... we'll worry about that later. Right now, we're focusing on getting the scrobbles.
HTML form (above), saves your username and email address into a flat file. Once a week a cronjob grabs your scrobbles with our existing Python scripts and saves them to disk. Eventually I'll figure out emailing you from SendGrid.
Use a Mailinator address if you want. Just don't forget it.
I'm Matt Lee (yes, my homepage really looks like that, here's some more proof), the creator of — currently Technical Lead at Creative Commons, and previously the Free Software Foundation. Follow me on Twitter @mattl, reddit as mattl or email me at
The data will be hosted on the Bytemark Cloud in York, UK.